Sand Springs Oklahoma

Sand Springs Teacher of the Year: Dustin Morrow

Sand Springs teacher of the year, Dustin Morrow, is a waymaker in the education realm! From taking his personal time to help students reach their educational goals to spending countless hours lesson planning he has made a mark on Charles Page High School and was awarded Sand Springs Teacher of the Year!


Morrow is the 10-12 grade Biology and AP Physics teacher at Charles Page High School, where he also serves as the head of the Science Department. He has been teaching for more than 19 years. Morrow said he “felt a calling,” to be a teacher. During his second year of college, he knew he wanted to work with people and have a chance to make a difference, so he took a leap of faith and switched his major from business to education.


Morrow’s favorite thing about teaching is relationships. “I love getting to know all of my wonderful students,” said Morrow. “Their unique talents, gifts, and personalities inspire me. I also love the relationships formed with my colleagues”. The biggest goal in Morrow’s classroom is to make students’ day better, every day. He desires to create a safe space for students to be themselves and be comfortable in their own skin. “I want them to understand the great power that they have,” said Morrow, “to change and shape their own destinies.” First and foremost, Morrow is a teacher and helps kids learn, and while he knows Biology or Physics will not be a long-term part of most of their lives, he tries to teach them ways to learn, critically think and problem solve.


When teaching his students Morrow uses a variety of techniques, activities, and teaching methods. Every student learns differently, so he uses a variety to drive home his lessons. Over his 19 years of teaching, Morrow has had a book full of mentors, encourages, and influencers. “Mike Bynum, Frank Cooper, Sam Dester, and Christy Bouchard,” said Morrow, “have all had a profound impact on my life and teaching.”


Looking back on his first day in the classroom, Morrow shared a little advice for those just beginning their journey in the education field. “You never know what baggage a student is bringing with them into your classroom. Be kind to them. Smile at them. Be understanding. Let them know that your number one priority is to help them. Be Prepared. They will know if you’re not. They deserve your very best!” Being a teacher is a blessing to each and every one of the students at Charles Page, and Morrow knows and cherishes this with his whole being. After 19 years of teaching, Morrow looks forward to returning back to life with his students physically in front of him, without COVID-19.


Thank you Morrow for being diligent and passionate about teaching the kids of today so they can grow up to be the leaders of tomorrow.

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